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Note: There can be additional delivery charges based on the seller’s policy.
Bazarr24 is India’s leading online stationery store where you can buy all kind of stationery items including office stationery, school stationery, home stationery, etc. We always offer you some flat discount on every purchase like 5%, 3%, 7%, 15% flat discount, code always mentioned on product page. We offer you multiple easy payment gateways and live tracking with 24 hours support and hence bazarr24 is best online stationery store. We are working with multiple vendors to provide maximum items of stationery online directly at your doorstep. Stationery is such a need which is sometimes stressful when you are unable to find your desired stationery product in your nearby areas, but at you will get all kinds of stationery, just order, setback and relax. We provide you fastest shipment all over India, Next day delivery for Delhi and same day dispatch for other states it takes generally 3-5 days to deliver in other states. We get multiple positive review about our product and service and these kind words motivate us to work more. We use WhatsApp and e-mail for your order notifications as most of the consumers are using these platforms hence more convenient for information.