Register as a seller for free and provide required documents (GST, PAN, Cancelled Check, Signature Sample). Design a beautiful store page with the desired URL suffix and sell under your own store name.
Add products either directly from available products on or by adding new products. Once approved, all products will be available to millions of customers across India via
Get orders and ship to the customer in the promised timeline. Manage your online stationery & Toy business via our Seller Dashboard and Seller Mobile App.
Receive quick and hassle-free payments in your bank account once your orders are fulfilled. Expand your stationery and toy business across India with a low marketplace fee of starting 7%. No hidden charge!!
Join India’s growing marketplace to sell your stationery and toy products online. Sell your product all over India at with confidence. Selling with marketplace does not require any upfront or fixed cost. We charge a as low as 7% commission on the sales only, you don’t need to pay anything for listing products.
We give you an excellent option to run focused stationery and toys business online for your targeted customer groups with efficient pricing. We can assist you with product cataloging, listing, and shipping, as and when needed. All you have a business with GSTIN, PAN Card, Bank Account and interested in selling your products online, Register today for a free seller account. is India’s Leading and only dedicated Multivendor Online Stationery and Toy selling platform with best products from our country and with best customer support.
We are focusing on “Increasing & Enhancing” the experience of online selling as well as online shopping experience mainly in case of stationery and toy shopping.
Lowest Selling Fees: Yes we are saying it correct, We are charging lowest selling fee in the industry ranging just from 7-30% and no other any hidden charges or any extra fee.
Best Customer Support: Yes we are providing you best customer support, we help you in uploading products, improving your listing skills, SEO optimization, Packaging, Product photography and detail writing about product and all these things “FREE OF COST”
No, its absolutely free. You need to pay only selling fee once your product get sold and delivered successfully and that to a minimal fixed comission without any hidden/extra charges .
Our selling fee is lowest in the marketplace industry. It starts from 7% on sale price of the product only, and there is no hidden or handeling fees.
You just need two documents; GSTIN & PAN along with Bank Account. However, if you are selling in the GST exempted or nil rated category (e.g. books), you don’t need GSTIN; Only PAN card and Bank account would be enough.
As soon as you deliver the product. Payment will get deposited in your bank account within 7 days.
Yes, we dont have any restriction for selling your products on other marketplace while selling with us.
Yes, you need to email us your product CSV file and we will upload in your store. After uploading you just need to edit for any corrections and submit for review.
Yes, you can create and offer discount coupons for your products only through store manager.
Yes, you can offer local pickup for your customes around you and save shipping time as well as maintain your regular customers.
You can contact us at for any seller related query. And you can also call us at +91-9870318805